Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions, Fifth Edition



By: Ekkehart Reimer, Alexander Rust, Johannes Becker, Alexander Blank, Katharina Blank, Michael Blank, Luc De Broe, Axel Cordewener, Ana Paula Dourado, Daniela Endres-Reich, Werner Haslehner, Roland Ismer, Eric CCM Kemmeren, Georg Kofler, Stella Langner, Sophia Piotrowski, Julia Ruß, Annika Streicher, Matthias Valta, Jens Wittendorff, Kamilla Zembala

ISBN: 9789403513003

Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041122988

Published: January 2022


Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions is regarded as the international gold standard on the law of tax treaties. This article-by-article commentary has been completely revised and updated to give you a full and current account of double tax conventions (DTCs).

DTCs form the backbone of international taxation, but they raise many interpretational questions. This market leading work will provide you with the answers.

Based on the OECD/G20 Multilateral Instrument, the OECD MC and Commentary published in 2017 and the most recent amendments to the UN MC, the book also includes relevant case law and scholarly literature upto and including 2020.

Previous editions of the Vogel have been routinely relied on by courts around the world including Australia, Canada, Germany, India, South Africa, the Netherlands and United Kingdom.


What’s new in this edition?


There have been many important developments in this area since the last edition in 2015. The authors discuss these developments and the effect they will have upon practitioners working in this area. They also provide a wealth of new and revised case law, along with the DTCs of emerging countries.


You’ll find:


-       Reports about major features in the DTC practice of many leading jurisdictions, such as:

-       the DTC practice of Austria, Canada, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK and the US

-       Sections on divergent country practice covering their national models and networks of bilateral DTCs

-       Thorough analysis of the OECD and UN model, as well as the implementation of these models in practice

-       Amendments of bilateral DTCs, textual or in substance, on the basis of the 2017 Anti-BEPS Multilateral Instrument

-       Coverage of a full range of the latest tax treaties around the world, including important treaties between OECD and BRICS countries



This new Fifth Edition of Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions continues to reflect the unchallenged role of the OECD. The OECD MC, accompanied by the official Commentary, guidelines, reports and other recommendations, has sustained its position as the most important legal instrument in the area of DTCs.

On occasion, the UN MC and Commentary diverge from the OECD texts. When this happens, the authors deal with the specifics of the UN MC in separate annotations and analyses, explaining and making sure you understand the differences.


How this will help you:

-       All the information you need to confidently advise on issues such as the taxation of income, taxation of capital and the elimination of double taxation

-       Know that your advice to clients is based on the most up-to-date and respected information available, from an outstanding team of editors and authors


The editors, Professors Ekkehart Reimer and Alexander Rust, have worked with the late Professor Vogel as well as an international team of top experts to completely update and enhance the content. The writing team comprises:




Prof. Dr Ekkehart Reimer, Heidelberg University and Prof. Dr Alexander Rust, WU Vienna.




Johannes Becker, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin; Alexander Blank, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Katharina Blank, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin; Michael Blank, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Prof. Dr Luc De Broe, Catholic University of Leuven; Laga; Prof. Dr Axel Cordewener, Catholic University of Leuven and Flick Gocke Schaumburg ; Prof. Dr Ana Paula Dourado, University of Lisbon; Daniela Endres-Reich, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Prof. Dr Werner Haslehner, University of Luxembourg; Prof. Dr Roland Ismer, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Prof. Dr Eric C. C. M. Kemmeren , Tilburg University; Prof. Dr Georg Kofler, WU Vienna; Sophia Piotrowski, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Prof. Dr Ekkehart Reimer, Heidelberg University;  Prof. Dr Alexander Rust, WU Vienna; Annika Streicher, WU Vienna; Prof. Dr. Matthias Valta, Duesseldorf University; Jens Wittendorff, Ernst & Young, Copenhagen and University of Aarhus; Kamilla Zembala, Heidelberg University


Table Of Contents:


Volume I



List of Abbreviations


Chapter I. Scope of the Convention

Article 1. Persons Covered

Article 2. Taxes Covered

Chapter II. Definitions

Article 3. General Definitions

Article 4. Resident

Article 5. Permanent Establishment

Chapter III. Taxation of Income

Article 6. Income from Immovable Property

Article 7. Business Profits

Article 8. International Shipping and Air Transport

Article 9. Associated Enterprises

Preface to Articles 10 to 12

Article 10. Dividends

Article 11. Interest

Article 12. Income from Royalties

Article 13. Capital Gains

Ex-Article 14. Independent Personal Services

Volume II

Article 15. Income from Employment

Article 16. Directors’ Fees/Directors’ Fees and Remuneration of Top-Managerial Officials

Article 17. Entertainers and Sportspersons

Article 18. Pensions

Article 19. Government Service

Article 20. Students

Article 21. Other Income

Chapter IV. Taxation of Capital

Article 22. Capital

Chapter V. Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation

Article 23A. Exemption Method

Article 23B. Credit Method

Chapter VI. Special Provisions

Article 24. Non-discrimination

Article 25. Mutual Agreement Procedure

Article 26. Exchange of Information

Article 27. Assistance in the Collection of Taxes

Article 28. Members of Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts

Article 29. Entitlement to Benefits

Article 30. Territorial Extension

Chapter VII. Final Provisions

Article 31. Entry into Force

Article 32. Termination


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