ISBN13: 9780414089433
Published: August 2021
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
This book explains how the Civil Procedure Rules work in practice. The book covers the entire spectrum of civil litigation providing a step-by-step guide through all stages of a civil action.
- Provides a practical, comprehensive and detailed guide covering all areas of civil litigation in the High Court and County Court
- Guides you through the procedure involved in any civil matter
- Covers all stages of litigation in a logical sequence from pre-action to enforcement and appeals
- Expert authors provide tactical and strategic advice, examples, tips and solutions
- Cross-refers to the Civil Procedure Rules and the White Book
What’s new for the 20th edition:
New sections and fuller coverage of: online case management systems including CE-filing and MCOL; procedure under the RTA and EL/PL Protocols, including the new protocol for small RTA cases which is in force from 31 May 2021; use of remote hearings; post-Brexit amendments; amendments to the CPR; the disclosure pilot scheme; and ADR.
In more detail:
- A revised Chapter 9 on proceedings under Parts 7 and 8 which gives fuller coverage of the multiple case management systems now in use in the High Court, County Court and the Business & Property Courts
- A new Chapter 10 on procedure under the RTA and EL/PL Protocols, including the new protocol for small RTA cases which is in force from 31 May 2021.
- Chapter 13 on interim applications includes updated coverage on current practice as to remote hearings (i.e. conducted by telephone or video)
- Chapter 41 on enforcement of non-money judgments includes revised commentary on the new rules relating to the enforcement of orders for possession and contempt proceedings
- Other new developments include: developments in expert evidence; the disclosure pilot scheme; security for costs and a cross-undertaking in damages; the widening influence of alternative dispute resolution; changes in Insolvency law including the Debt Respite Scheme, which came into force on 4 May 2021
- Plus a wealth of new case law
Ch 1 Civil Litigation in Outline
Ch 2 Funding Civil Litigation
Ch 3 Interest
Ch 4 PI cases
Ch 5 Limitation of Actions
Ch 6 Preliminary Stages of Litigation
Ch 7 Parties to Actions
Ch 8 Service of Documents
Ch 9 Proceedings under Pt 7 and Pt 8
Ch 10 Procedure under the RTA and EL/PL Protocols
Ch 11 Cases with a Foreign Element
Ch 12 Drafting Statements of Case
Ch 13 Interim Applications
Ch 14 Drafting Applications, Skeleton Arguments, Witness Statements, Affidavits and Budgets
Ch 15 Default Judgment
Ch 16 Admissions & Requests for Time to Pay
Ch 17 Disposal Hearings
Ch 18 Counterclaims and other Additional Claims
Ch 19 Summary Judgment
Ch 20 Small Claims Track (Pt 27)
Ch 21 Fast Track (Pt 28)
Ch 22 Multi-Track (Pt 29)
Ch 23 Experts
Ch 24 Cases not governed by standard track allocation
Ch 25 Interim Payments
Ch 26 Security for Costs
Ch 27 Interim Injunctions
Ch 28 Change of Solicitors
Ch 29 Part 36 Offers to Settle
Ch 30 Disclosure and Inspection
Ch 31 Evidence
Ch 32 Judicial case management: general points
Ch 33 Judicial case management: particular points
Ch 34 Termination of an action by consent
Ch 35 Discontinuance
Ch 36 Preparations for trial
Ch 37 Trial
Ch 38 Costs payable by one party to another
Ch 39 Costs: Special Cases
Ch 40 Enforcement of Money Judgments
Ch 41 Enforcement of Other Judgments
Ch 42 Insolvency
Ch 43 Applications to set aside or vary orders
Ch 44 Appeals up to the Court of Appeal
Ch 45 Appeals to the UKSC
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