Author: Donall ÃÂ Laoire and Thomas Freeman
Publication Date:ÃÂ ÃÂ 8th June 2015
Waste Management Legislation: Annotated and Consolidated is a comprehensive commentary on waste management legislation in force in Ireland, including the full consolidation of the principal legislation in this complex area of law: the Waste Management Act 1996. This book fully updates the first edition which was published back in 2001.
Detailed and up-to-date annotations of the Waste Management Act 1996 are incorporated. This includes numerous and complex amendments which have been applied to the waste management legislation suite, including the recently transposed Waste Framework Directive.
The definition of âÂÂwasteâ is explored drawing on jurisprudence of both the Irish Courts and that of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Concepts such as âÂÂby-productsâ and âÂÂend-of-waste statusâ are also examined and explained.
Changes brought about by the European Union (Industrial Emissions) Regulations 2013 European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations 2011 including those to the waste management planning and licensing regimes;
Judicial review in the waste sphere including protective costs orders and the judgment in Hunter v Nurendale;
Waste management enforcement in both the civil and criminal spheres including the recent judgment of the Supreme Court of Ireland in Laois County Council v Hanrahan;
A detailed table of offences under both the principal Act;
Up-to-date table of statutory instruments in force;
A selection of useful precedents.
About the Authors
Donall ÃÂ Laoire, BA (Mod) MASCI is a barrister specialising in administrative law, planning and environmental law and personal injuries with over 25 years experience. He is the author of several books including the Water Pollution Act.
Thomas Freeman, Dip Geo Surv BSc (Hons) MA TP MBA is a barrister, a chartered surveyor and town planner with experience in both the public and private sectors.
Who Should Buy This Book?
All lawyers who specialize in areas such as waste management, environmental law and planning law. Local authorities, town planners and agencies and companies who have in their remit waste management services/provisions should also have this book as required reading.
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