Byrne and McCutcheon on the Irish Legal System 7th Edition



Published: 27-11-2020

Format: Paperback

Edition: 7th

Extent: 1152

ISBN:   9781526515087

Imprint: Bloomsbury Professional


Provides an excellent introduction to the legal system in Ireland and is essential for any student starting legal studies in Ireland. Beginning with an overview of the Irish Legal system and its history, it proceeds to discuss the profession and the law officers of the state including changes in the organisation of the profession in other common law states.

Included in this edition:

- fundamental reform of the legal profession under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015, including the establishment of the Legal Services Regulatory Authority and the Office of the Legal Costs Adjudicator;
- establishment of the Judicial Council under the Judicial Council Act 2019, which includes a Judicial Conduct Committee, a Judicial Studies Committee, a Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee and a Personal Injuries Guidelines Committee;
- discussion of the system for appointing judges, including the ultimate fate of the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2017;
- the effect of the establishment of the Court of Appeal in 2014, and the resulting impact that the Supreme Court can now choose what cases it hears;
- the momentum towards alternative means of dispute resolution, notably with the enactment of the Mediation Act 2017;
- recent developments in the doctrine of precedent;
- significant developments in making our legislative stock (“the Irish Statute Book”) more accessible online, including through the enactment of Statute Law Revision Acts;
- the impact of recent constitutional decisions, including the case law on suspended declarations of unconstitutionality; and the recent constitutional amendments on marriage equality and abortion;
- developments in EU law, including the potential impact of Brexit.




Chapter 1 Introduction to the Irish Legal System
Chapter 2 Development of the Irish Legal System
Chapter 3 The Legal Profession
Chapter 4 The Court System, the Judiciary and Administration of the Courts Service
Chapter 5 The First Instance Jurisdiction of the Courts
Chapter 6 Civil and Criminal Court Procedure
Chapter 7 The Appellate Jurisdiction of the Courts
Chapter 8 Other Dispute Resolution Processes: Mediation, Arbitration, Administrative Adjudicative Bodies and Ombudsmen
Chapter 9 Access to Law
Chapter 10 Remedies and Enforcement in Civil and Criminal Matters
Chapter 11 Law Reform
Chapter 12 Precedent
Chapter 13 Legislation
Chapter 14 Interpretation of Legislation
Chapter 15 The Constitution and its Interpretation
Chapter 16 European Union Law
Chapter 17 International Law




“In this book the authors have set out to pierce that great curtain of ignorance [of the law],; this book is directed towards the general public as well as to the student and practitioner; it is a book that requires concentration and study; it deserves both… it is right to pay tribute to their energy, research and initiative and, particularly, to their clarity of expression.” –  Justice Niall McCarthy, Foreword to first edition

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