Do you Require Planning Permission?
Author : John Crean
Publisher: Round Hall
Publication Date: 03/09/2014
ISBN: 9780414036956
Jurisdiction: Ireland
This book contains a clear statement as to whether permission is required in a given situation with visual aids to assist where necessary. The book also alerts the reader to areas where the opinion of an expert should be sought where development issues are likely to be more complex. This new edition incorporates changes made under the new
Planning Act 2000 and the Planning Regulations 2001.
It is intended as an easy-to-use reference guide for solicitors, planning consultants, architects, surveyors, engineers and builders in negotiating the area of exempted
development and determining what does and does not require planning permission.
*General development (including residential developments; changes of use;
temporary structures; industrial developments; amenity and recreational
developments; miscellaneous development; various minor works).
*Advertising signs and structures
*Rural developments (including camping; minor works; mineral prospecting;
petroleum; agricultural buildings; land reclamation).
*References to An Bord Plean?la.
*Restrictions on exemptions
*Glossary of important definitions
About the Author
John Crean B.A. Hons, MRUP, Dip. EIA Mgmt, MRTPI, MIPI is a Chartered
Town Planning Consultant with Cunnane Stratton Reynolds Ltd., in Dublin and
Cork. He has extensive experience of private and public sector developments
and the area of exempted development. He previously wrote the First Edition of
?Do You Require Planning Permission?? which looked at the 1994 (as amended)
Planning Regulations and associated statutes and has also been published on
this topic by the IAVI.
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