ISBN: 9781916019980
Updated 7th edition of this bestselling legal textbook which examines the principles of Irish law as they affect commercial transactions. This edition incorporates all major legislative and case law changes since 2012.
New to this edition:
✦ Companies Act 2014 ✦ Court of Appeal Act 2014 ✦ Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014 ✦ Protected Disclosures Act 2014 ✦ Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 ✦ Workplace Relations Act 2015 ✦ Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016 ✦ Mediation Act 2017 ✦ Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Act 2017 ✦ Data Protection Act 2018 ✦ Parents’ Leave and Benefit Act 2019 ✦ Consumer Insurance Contracts Act 2019 ✦ Judicial Council Act 2019 ✦ Civil L aw and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 ✦ Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Each chapter contains:
✦ Clear learning objectives
✦ Related rules of law to help assimilate necessary facts
✦ A list of important cases and statutes
✦ A progress test
✦ Suggested internet resources for further research
✦ Includes past exam questions from professional bodies
Students studying Business Law as part of a degree or diploma programme
Business Law students of professional courses offered by ATI, CPA Ireland, CIMA, ACCA, ICSA, MII, IOB, Irish Tax Institute, King’s Inn, LSI and IEA.
Áine Keenan has taught Irish Law, Taxation and Accounting to students taking a range of professional courses.
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