Authors: Dr Neil Maddox and Finn Keyes BL
ISBN: 9781911611936
Format: Hardback
Extent: Approx 400 pages
Published: 18 April 2024
Housing: Law and Practice provides an up-to-date and comprehensive account of housing law and the law governing housing authorities in Ireland. This book is an expanded and revised edition of the Housing Authority Law (2010).
Housing: Law and Practice focuses on the role of local authorities as housing providers under the Housing Acts and related legislation. This also book deals with a wide range of issues including:
- social and affordable housing;
- local authority powers of CPO in respect of their housing function;
- housing authorities and the Traveller community;
- human rights and constitutional law relating to housing, as well as the impact of the ECHR Act 2003 upon housing authorities;
- issues of anti-social behaviour;
- potential liability of housing authorities in respect of the exercise, or non-exercise, of their functions;
- issues of eviction and of homelessness and emergency accommodation.
- contains a comprehensive account of the Housing Acts and related regulation;
- provides clear discussion of the case-law that illuminates the potential liability of housing authorities in areas such as housing provision and maintenance, the termination of tenancies, as well as planning;
- Contains an analyses of the key legislation and case-law which will save time when dealing with housing issues.
Chapters Include
- Functions of Housing Authorities
- Social and Affordable Housing
- The Sale and Lease of Dwellings
- Management, Control and Enforcement Functions
- Recovery of Possession of Dwellings by Housing Authorities
- Liability of Housing Authorities
- Housing Authorities and the Compulsory Acquisition of Land
- Housing and Traveller Accommodation
- Homelessness and Emergency Accommodation
- Housing Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights
Who Should Buy This Book?
Housing: Law and Practice is as an indispensable work on Irish housing law written primarily for housing practitioners including lawyers, local authority officials, employees of housing authorities, NGOs, charities and anyone interested in housing law in Ireland.
About the Authors
Dr Neil Maddox BL is a practising barrister and Associate Professor of Law at Maynooth University.
Finn Keyes BL is a practising barrister.
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