Authors: Professor Neville Cox, Dr Val Corbett, Mark Connaughton SC
ISBN: 9781911611776
Publication Date: November 2022
Now in its second edition Employment Law in Ireland is a comprehensive text which provides detailed analysis of this increasingly complex area of law.
Employment law is a rapidly expanding and increasingly important aspect of Irish legal practice. Significantly influenced and informed by developments at European Union level and by various Constitutional imperatives, it is composed not only of a complex body of legislation and case law, but also of determinations from specialist tribunals such as the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court.
This edition is fully updated with recent developments in case law and statutory developments including the Workplace Relations Act 2015, the Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Act 2012, the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, the Paternity Leave & Benefit Act 2016, the Equality Act (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015, for example. This updated edition also includes a new chapter on protected disclosures i.e. whistle-blower protection and a new chapter on practice and procedure.
In this book the authors draw together the various strands and sources of employment law as it applies in Ireland into a coherent framework. All aspects of employment law are considered, ranging from the legal concerns that apply before an employment contract is signed, to the various entitlements and obligations of employer and employee while the contract is ongoing, to the relevant legal framework governing the circumstances in which an employment relationship is terminated.
PART I — Introduction to Employment Law
• Introduction
PART II — The Nature of the Employment Relationship
• Employment Status
• The Contract of Employment
• Atypical Work: Part-Time, Fixed-Term and Agency Workers
• Employment Permits
PART III — Employment Equality
• Introduction to Employment Equality
• The Discriminatory Grounds
• Equal Pay
• Harassment & Sexual Harassment
• Victimisation
PART IV— The Operation of the Employment Relationship
• Organisation of Working Time
• Wages
• Information and Consultation in Relation to Business Development
• Employee Privacy and Data Protection
• Protected Disclosures
• Protective Leave Entitlements
• Transfer of Undertakings
• Health and Safety
• Legal Obligations for the Employer in Respect of Workplace Stress
PART V — The Termination of the Employment Relationship
• Procedural Fairness and Disciplinary Action
• Injunctions
• Notice
• Termination of the Employment
• Unfair Dismissals
• Redundancy
PART VI — Practice and Procedure
• Practice and Procedure
Who Should Buy This Book?
Employment Law in Ireland is aimed at legal practitioners who specialise in employment and related areas of law, students, HR managers, trade union members and any one interested in employment law.
About the Authors
Professor Neville Cox LL.B., Ph.D., F.T.C.D. is the Dean of Graduate Studies at Trinity College Dublin and is a practising barrister and is author of several publications including Defamation: Law and Practice, Second Edition
Dr Val Corbett BCL (NUI), LL.M (NUI) is the Head of Law at LawSchool.ie and lecturers in employment law and has also authored several publications including two text books on the Law of Tort.
Mark Connaughton SC is a practising barrister.
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