By: Jules Stuyck
ISBN: 9789403543307
3rd Edition
Published: 21 Mar 2022
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the structure, competence, and management of European Union provides substantial and readily accessible information for lawyers, academics, and policymakers likely to have dealings with its activities and data. No other book gives such a clear, uncomplicated description of the organization’s role, its rules and how they are applied, its place in the framework of international law, or its relations with other organizations.
The monograph proceeds logically from the organization’s genesis and historical development to the structure of its membership, its various organs and their mandates, its role in intergovernmental cooperation, and its interaction with decisions taken at the national level. Its competence, its financial management, and the nature and applicability of its data and publications are fully described.
Systematic in presentation, this valuable time-saving resource offers the quickest, easiest way to acquire a sound understanding of the workings ofEuropean Union for all interested parties. Students and teachers of international law will find it especially valuable as an essential component of the rapidly growing and changing global legal milieu.
Table Of Contents:
The Author
List of Abbreviations
General Introduction
Chapter 1. Introductory Remark
Chapter 2. The Legal System of the EU
Chapter 3. The Institutions and Bodies
Chapter 4. The Nature of Union Law
Chapter 5. Sources of Union Law
Chapter 6. Remedies Against Infringements of Union Law
Chapter 7. The Sphere of Action of the TFEU
Part I. The Internal Market
Chapter 1. From a Customs Union via a Common Market/Internal Market to an EMU
Chapter 2. Free Movement of Goods
Chapter 3. Freedom of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services
Chapter 4. Free Movement of Capital and Payments
Chapter 5. Completing the Internal Market
Part II. The Common Policies
Chapter 1. Competition Policy
Chapter 2. The Economic and Monetary Union
Chapter 3. The External Action of the Union
Chapter 4. The Common Agricultural Policy
Chapter 5. The Common Transport Policy
Selected Bibliography
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