Author: Dr Liam Sunner
ISBN: 9781917134026
Format: Paperback
Extent: Approx 400 pages
Publishing: Summer/Autumn 2024
Modern Intellectual Property Law in Ireland provides a focused and guided approach to introducing the various elements of intellectual property law in Ireland and the European Union. This book covers topics such as copyright, patents, trade marks as well as related intellectual property issues such as geographical indications, industrial designs, passing off and personality rights. The various elements of intellectual property are introduced, expanded on, with their unique natures and developmental processes explored and explained in a comprehensive yet accessible manner.
Modern Intellectual Property Law in Ireland brings the reader up-to-date with many of the ongoing developments of intellectual property within Ireland, and the influence of the EU on certain topics, dealing with many challenges and controversies surrounding intellectual property law. In doing so, the book addresses the various legislative elements of intellectual property but also provides the reader with the social or sociological context in which many of the IP elements exist.
Chapters Include
Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to Intellectual Property.
Part I: Copyright
Chapter 2: Introduction to Copyright Law
Chapter 3: Copyright, Authorship, Ownership and Protected Works
Chapter 4: Copyright Enforcement, Infringement, and Remedies
Chapter 5: Copyright Limitations and Defences
Chapter 6: Copyright and the Future
Pat II: Patents
Chapter 7: Introduction to Patent Law
Chapter 8: Patentability
Chapter 9: Patent Enforcement, Infringement, and Remedies
Chapter 10: Patentability Limitations and Defences
Chapter 11: Patent Law and the Future
Part III: Trademark
Chapter 12: Introduction to Trademark Law
Chapter 13: Trademark Registration
Chapter 14: Trademark Refusal of Registration
Chapter 15: Trademark Enforcement, Infringement, and Remedies
Chapter 16: Trademark and the Future
Part IV: Other areas of Intellectual Property
Chapter 17: Geographical Indications
Chapter 18: Industrial Designs
Chapter 19: Passing Off
Chapter 20: Personality Rights
Who Should Buy This Book?
Modern Intellectual Property Law in Ireland is a comprehensive yet accessible text on intellectual property law and will be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in IP law in Ireland including those new to the subject, such as law students and persons interested in understanding the topics considered. Legal practitioners requiring an overview of the subject matter and non lawyers who require information and understanding of the topics covered will also find this book very useful.
About the Author
Dr Liam Sunner is Lecturer (Education) in Law and Technology at Queen’s University, School of Law, Belfast. His research explores the intersection of intellectual property (IP) rights and human rights, and how this is centred and shaped by the development of the European Union’s External Action Policy. He also maintains an active interest in the related developments surrounding the areas of law, technology, and cultural rights.
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