By: Lee Digings, John Bennett
ISBN: 9780851219059
Latest Release: May 27, 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 2 Volumes
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: €1300
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Every public body contract of any magnitude will be subject to EC public procurement rules which apply from the time when the specification is being drawn up until the contract is finally awarded.
Failure to comply could mean being sued by an unsuccessful contractor or even being ordered to re-stage the procurement. EC Public Procurement: Law and Practice provides practical guidance on every aspect of the legislation:
Explains what needs to be done to comply with the EC rules
Includes full coverage of the complex rules affecting local authorities, public bodies, health authorities, NHS Trusts and utility companies
Sets out how the legislation applies, from drawing up specifications to awarding contracts
Separate chapters are devoted to works, supplies, services and Utility Directives
Reproduces source materials from the UK and the EC and includes a comprehensive array of statutory and other relevant sources
Reproduces the Common Procurement Vocabulary which is essential for the drawing up of all contracts
Covers the various forms of redress open to aggrieved contractors and the means by which the Community legislation can be enforced
Includes flow diagrams for ease
Subscription Information: 2 updating releases per year. The first year's updating issues are supplied as part of the initial purchase price. Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating. Any time start annual subscription for this title. We will contact you before renewal each year to ascertain whether you wish to renew your subscription.
Part 1 Introduction: the new world of public procurement, the purpose of the book
background and general principles - the economics of public procurement, development of a legal framework, GATT government procurement agreement beyond 1992
organizing for Europe - ten point plan.
Part 2 The Community rules: checklist for tendering
works - arrangement of the regulations, coverage, contract documents, procedures, selection, tender evaluation, information and record-keeping, legal background, guidance
supplies - arrangement of the regulations, coverage, contract documents, proceudres, selection, tender evaluation, information and record-keeping, legal background, guidance, problem areas
services - arrangement of the Directive, coverage, contract documents, selections, tender evaluation (art 36), information and record-keeping, legal background guidance, problem areas
utilities - arrangement of the directive, coverage, contract documents, procedures, approved lists, selection, tender evaluation (art 27), information and record-keeping, legal background, guidance, problem areas
common provisions - procedural requirements and definitions, developments in relating fields of community law.
Part 3 The constraints: enforcement of the rules - bringing an action before the UK courts, judicial review of administrative action, complaint to the ombudsman, action for the tort of breach of statutory duty, complaint of financial impropriety
compulsory competitive tender for the EC rules - dual coverage, tendering procedures, contract documents, timetabling, advertising, strategic decisions, selection of tenderers, tender evaluation, enforcement provisions
contract compliance and regional preference - regional preference schemes, contract compliance, restrictions imposed by UK law, restrictions imposed community law, the use of contract compliance.
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